The worries, and inner torment rarely belong to the present moment. It is my body and mind being tangled up in done deeds of the past and untold actions of the future. What do i do about these restless wanderings that yo yo me back and forth, making me wobble when i try to get some stillness.
i have to detach from dramas that seem to continuously play within. whatever dysfunction that may be going on in the body and the mind, will consume all of me only if i let it. To fight or resist it only creates more conflict. i will just step away peacefully, just let it be, and when it all starts to move towards me and engulf me again, i will keep walking away.
i will not stop and let it suffocate me, nor will i run from it in fear. but it is time to move forward and stop the exhausting cycles that bring back stale feelings, provoke poor bodily habits and keep me trapped.
A new year, a new decade.........
Happy New Year!